Thursday, May 16, 2024

Lost and found ...


May 16, 1929

 Dearest Mabel,

 We've just arrived at the new house and it is so large I think I will have to leave bread crumbs to follow whenever I leave my room!

Father said that the house is over 200 years old.  I can't wait to explore the attic to see if anything was left behind.  Wouldn't it be wonderful to find an old trunk filled with dresses or jewelry?!?!

There is a cellar also, but Father said it was off-limits.  I wouldn't want to go down there anyway.  Probably spiders down there and I would simply die if one of them crawled on me.

Gregory, of course, is more interested in exploring the forest on the property, and the lake.  Typical boy.  Father, however, forbids him to go exploring alone.  The forest is very dark, not because of all the trees, but because it feels threatening.  Evil.  It is hard for me to explain, but there is no worry that I will ever go in there with or without him.

You will have to come to visit soon.  I miss you already!



  1. More please. And yes, some places do feel evil.

  2. I wonder if the previous person was, indeed, forgotten until it was too late.


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