Sunday, May 19, 2024

last week...

 A brief break in the story of Clarence and Albert ... I got the art word prompts Saturday, that will wrap up the 100 Days of Wonder, and will work on the art today.

Last week I worked on painting a buffet cabinet.

This was the before ...

This is 95% done now.

This was today's art project at the Wren's Nest
 after I embellished it with some birds.

My forever home is coming along, and I plan on being moved in by the end of June.  The amount of stress this is adding to me right now is just overwhelming.  I'm a horrible procrastinator when it comes to actually packing and moving.  Packing for a trip ... I'm packed two months in advance.  Packing for a household move ugh ... I will be throwing stuff into bags and boxes at the last minute.  Except for this time.  I hope to get a lot of the little things moved one room at a time, which I think will make it easier when I have to get the big stuff moved in a day.  I've had to rethink some things ... such as beds in my bedroom and the guest bedroom since on a 2nd look, the rooms were much smaller than I imagined.  Color themes changed for rooms.  Both bedrooms and the kitchen will now be blue.  The living room for now will be a neutral taupe, but eventually, I want to do a water wash color on the walls that is the same color as the buffet.

I suppose I should get to sleep  It has been a long day  Charlie is already in bed and snoring.

Hugs, Ci 💚


  1. Look after yourself - and pace yourself (if you can).

  2. That is one of the prettiest pieces of furniture I've seen in a long while. Truly.


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