Tuesday, August 31, 2021


   First off, do you know how hard it is to find an appropriate image of poop without being gross?  One that doesn't have big eyes, a cute smile, or has a unicorn reference?  It's nearly impossible.  So be grateful I found this one and was able to wipe that silly grin off its face.

   I have read and heard that being able to "name" your cancer helps to focus your thoughts on eliminating it.  So meet harold, my colon cancer.  No capitalization, it's not important enough to me to be respected.

  A friend suggested I name it after my ex-husband (because he was a piece of poop), but calling it david just seemed too familiar and affectionate since that was the name (his middle) that he went by.  So harold, his first name, it is.

  I'm now taking applications for an appropriate name for my liver cancer that won't be offensive to write about, and that I can find a humorous image for that isn't alcoholic or Blake Lively related.  I was going to call it Ryan, for her husband Ryan Reynolds, who owns a gin company but felt that wanting to kill off Ryan was open to misinterpretation.  He is an actor who never fails to make me laugh, so it would be difficult to send cleansing thoughts to "Ryan" without laughing or thinking of a Deadpool joke of his.


  1. Brilliant image.
    You lost me on Blake Lively, and Deadpool. I am obviously a dinosaur.

    1. you are not a dinosaur. I think you prefer books to movies that are bloody and violent with warped senses of humor. Blake Lively is an American actress who has made some amazing movies, but was also in a television series called The Gilmore Girls (which had/has a huge fan base and is not a show I ever watched). Deadpool is one of those irreverent superheros with a warped sense of humor much like mine.

  2. How about irwin/erwin? It's the middle name of a person i tend to have trouble with sometimes, and a name that just never impressed me. It sounds rather disposable.

    1. That reminds me of a name of a man I briefly worked with ages and ages ago ... Erkless. I will have to research the meaning of them. I don't want to give it a name of strength or anything. A disposable name. Yes ... one of those would be perfect.

  3. Names can mess up a student's life. Orangello? Lemonjello? My teacher taught in a poor part of town, and this are two made up by one of her parents.

    1. oh ... yes, a name can be a burden, even when it sounds normal.


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