Sunday, April 14, 2024

this weekend ...

 I'm prepping tonight for a lovely colonoscopy in the morning.

While the prep process has gotten much easier than the first one I had some 20+ years ago, I feel like my body takes it much harder.  I'm exhausted.  Hungry.  Violently projectile vomiting.  I haven't had solid food since Friday, or my meds since Saturday morning.  Taking them on an empty stomach would have made me even more sick, much sooner.

I think I would much rather have mammograms.  Every day for a week.

Charlie is feeling better although I think his infection aged him.  He sleeps a lot more and has developed a new mysterious bump on his shoulder blade.  Still plays like a puppy at times, but for shorter periods.  Mostly he just wants snuggle time when he can get it, and between my neighbors and myself, he gets it any time he wants it.

I am finally at a point where buying a house is within reach and have been looking at a few in the area.  Unfortunately, there are not many listings at this time.  I don't really want to leave the area, but may not have an option if I want to move into my forever home before the end of this year.  

I've already placed an order for a pizza for my recovery meal in the morning.


  1. Good luck with the cleanse and the procedure.
    And hooray for your forever home being within reach.

  2. I do pray you got a good result and I had mine back in December so you have my sympathy. It's never pleasant.


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