Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Words on Wednesday 7/21

This July, [Lissa is the host] for Words for Wednesday. Started by Delores it is now hosted by different people each month on various blogs. The aim of Words for Wednesday is to encourage us to write using some or all of the prompts.  Her prompts today are inspired by Agnes Grey, written by Anne Brontë.
Eloise glanced over the shoulder of her younger sister, Mavis, and silently read the latest epistle from their father who was off doing missionary work in some god-forsaken part of the world.  She missed him terribly and wished that he would have stayed home this time.  But Reginald Chatham was never a man who turned his back on improving the welfare of those less fortunate than himself.  Especially when those less fortunate were children.  As her sister continued to read, Eloise thought back to the conversation she had with her father just before he left, nearly two months ago.

"But Father, why?  Why must I be the one to stay home with Mavis this time?  Why can't Jerald stay?"

"Eloise, darling, you know that the last time Jerald took care of Mavis he lost her for two days in the park."

"Yes, well that wasn't my fault.  Why am I being punished for his foolishness at putting her in a motorized cart and letting her go off on her own while he flirted with that silly girl?"

"You aren't being punished, dear.  I trust you with your sister.  I do not trust Jerald.  I'm also hoping that this trip will give him a spirit of compassion for others, especially for our travel companions the Eldgewaters."

"The Eldgewaters?!?  Oh my, then I am glad to be staying home with Mavis.  Is their boy, Walter, going with them?  He is positively annoying Mavis to no end with his efforts to court her.  Yesterday he delivered three dozen primroses for her, and she wouldn't even give him the time of day."

"Yes, Walter will be going as well.  His father is hopeful that he will do some growing up on this trip and be more willing to step into a leadership role at the hospital."

Eloise had silently sent a prayer of thanks up to God for that news, as her father continued to pack and prepare for the journey.

Dr. Chatham and the Eldgewater family would be crossing the sea in one of the latest ocean liners, before setting off on foot to walk the remaining distance to a small town along a river.  From there, locals would row them upriver in small canoes to the location of the settlement.  They would be providing medical treatment to the community with what limited supplies they could carry with them.

"Well, would you listen to this, Eloise?  Father included a note from Walter to me and he says that he hopes I am remaining faithful to him as he is to me and that my happiness is all that he thinks about.  Do you suppose he has contracted malaria and it has made him delusional?"

The two sisters laughed until they were nearly in tears.


  1. I really did enjoy this. Poor delusional Walter!

  2. Walter's absence sounds decidedly positive. Perhaps he will grow, but in the interim the sisters will have some peace...

    1. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed writing on Wednesdays!

  3. I'm glad you're joining us again. Good use of the prompts.

    Have a lovely day.

  4. Wonderful story! Perhaps Walter will fall in love with a native girl and not come back.

    1. I'm sure that is what Mavis is hoping for!


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