Sunday, March 28, 2021

Sunday's Conundrums ...

  A thunderstorm woke me early this morning for a bit, and it has continued to be a wet, semi-dreary day.  You have to know how much I love my dog because we rode with the window down in the truck doing some errands this morning so he could still hang his head out in the rain.

  The blue flowers from earlier in the week turned out to be grape hyacinth, and the buds that I thought were from a larger hyacinth turned out to be star flowers.

  I also have daffodils coming up all over the side yard, and here is a perplexing question that I have pondered for years now.  Daffs are a flowering bulb, so they pretty much have to be intentionally planted.  They can then "naturalize" and spread, but someone has to at least put the first one in the ground.  Right?  So here is what has always confused me... driving down a random road, middle of nowhere, no houses in sight, and then bam!  A daffodil growing just as happy as can be, with no other daffs in view.  How did it get there?  Is there like a daffy fairy running around planting them?  Or did a Higher Power decide, "Yeah, this looks like a good spot to really mess with Cindi's head.  I'll just plant a bulb here."
  Seriously.  How'd it get there?


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