Tuesday, May 28, 2024

sunsets ...

   Albert and Clarence never went back to that old mysterious house with so much pain and suffering associated with it.

  Clarence became stronger and healthier.  When he and Elsa married a year later, he walked her back down the aisle that Albert had walked her up to give her away.

  The two of them lived to a surprising age of 100 plus years, having enjoyed more than 20 years of marriage, and passed within hours of each other.

  Albert settled into a small cottage nearby and fully expected to live a quiet life alone for the rest of his days.  However, fate would hear nothing of that.

  Before long, word of a handsome eligible bachelor spread among the single women in town and surrounding towns and villages!  Albert had weekly visitors, bringing him cooked and baked delicacies until one woman, Sasha, won his heart forever.

  They married at sunset in a small vineyard Albert had started behind his home.  Albert and Sasha enjoyed almost as many years together as Clarence and Elsa and lived just as long before they also passed just weeks before them.

  It was as if fate, and the Universe, were making up for lost time.


  1. Thank you for a happy ending. Or endings...

  2. A lovely ending for them.

    I hope the house was simply torn down after it was abandoned.


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