Monday, May 20, 2024

das Meer


"Yes, Clarence?"

"Is this the ferry to Ireland?"

"No.  This is a ferry to Germany."

"Germany?  Really?  Why?"

"I thought it was time to get you away from the house, Clarence.  Even when you were away from it in the hospital, I could sense that it was still draining the life out of you."

"But what about mum?  Who will take care of mum?"

"Mum has been gone for a long time, Clarence.  Remember?"

"Oh.  Yes.  I do remember now.  Where will we stay when we get to Germany, Albert?"

"I thought we would stay first at Bremerhaven, and then see how you were feeling.  Maybe travel inland.  Visit some vineyards or some castles.  Take a cruise down the Rhine River.  What do you think?"

"That sounds nice.  I think I should like that very much.  Do you think we will see Elsa?"

"I don't know, Clarence.  I don't know."


  1. I'm so glad Clarence has Albert, although the caretaking must be hard on him.


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