Tuesday, March 26, 2024

catching up ...

   Last weekend did not go as planned.

   Late Friday evening I realized that Charlie had quite an uncomfortable infection in his ... posterior glands.  A dangerously raging infection.  So at almost midnight, I was leaving messages for his veterinarian's office and emergency line making sure I could get him into the office soon after they opened.

   < That is him, still very sedated after they worked on his rear end for over an hour to make sure the abscess and infection were cleared out.  Now he will be on antibiotics and pain meds for ten days ... for another week from today.

  So the art class I had signed up for was missed, but my fee was applied to another one coming up in April.

   Saturday afternoon was spent sitting next to him on the sofa downstairs doing a Netflix chill and making sure he was coming around from the sedation and not going to be sick.

  Sunday was much the same, although he was feeling and looking a lot better.  I had to order a mortar and pestle to grind his meds easier because the back of a spoon was not as easy on the antibiotic as it was on the pain med, and I worried about shooting it across the room and not being able to find it (been there, done that).

   Ages ago, when my pug, Tink, was on frequent meds for her liver shunts and bladder stones I had a metal one.  When this one arrived, however, I was a little surprised at how small it was.  My bad for not looking at the measurements, (I was more concerned with cost and how fast it would get here) but it still works as desired.  I was just expecting it to be all grown up when it arrived and not a baby.  

   The full moon and I guess a lunar eclipse this week have brought the drama llamas, werewolves, and vampires out.  I'm more than a little over it all at this point and have been on a warpath.  I'm more than ready for April to be over and done with and have my life back again.

  The past eight months of being an "accidental auntie" had moments of amazing blessings and enlightenment.  Getting to know Bipan and learning more about the Hindu faith, India, and how to correctly say the Ganges River has been an experience I will always treasure.

  On the other hand ... what was it the Osmonds sang about one bad apple?   They were wrong.  She did spoil two others of the bunch, and certainly my experience in having them as roommates.

  I won't, and can't, blame it on the entire country or culture, because I think it was just one person's manipulative and narcissistic personality.   I have never met a more conceited person in my life.  It was as if no one existed in this house except for her, and how she treated the others (like her slaves and servants!) just completely infuriated me.  Like a prima donna (drama llama) and her minions!  It cost me a friendship and more stress than she was worth.


  So that has been my week so far.  Counting down the seconds until April 9th when at least three of the roommates will be out of my hair, if not sooner.  Issues with my slumlord (the werewolf) this past weekend, and this week, have pushed the urgency to move out of this house into warp drive.  (Take me out of here, Mr. Sulu) 


  1. A very mixed time indeed. I am glad that Charlie is improving - and hope that sets a precedent for all areas of your life.

    1. I'm so very glad to see that you are back in the ethernet. Have missed you and hope that you are well. There is more to tell, but will have to wait until a more appropriate time to share some things. However, I will say that I am very much looking forward to the New Moon.

  2. I do hope Charlie recovers quickly and your world settles down when the dust from all the moving does.


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