Sunday, November 26, 2023

This Weekend ...

 ... has been and still is a roller coaster of emotions.

On the upside of it was seeing my sister and her husband, and this:

Spending time with my nephew and his girlfriend.

and my great-niece (which is more than just an extra confusing explanation of the family tree, she really is great, and I don't feel nearly as old saying that she is a GREAT niece as I do saying she is my great-niece).

Unfortunately, the downside of it was this little man, and why he is being carried in the last two pictures.  Something happened Saturday morning as we were driving, and there will be another vet visit in the morning to determine just how serious it was.
For some reason, his hind legs are not working properly, and I don't know if it is related to his fall down the stairs, or if it is something new.  He is now walking like he is drunk from the waist down.  Sometimes when his legs go all bullfrog on him and want to go in different directions, he just sits down and waits to be picked up and carried.  Since they only took x-rays of his lumbar spine and hip joints, I don't know if there was a cervical spinal injury that was missed or a small skull fracture that might have bled a little and created a mini-stroke.  So we will find out tomorrow, or this week if this is going to be our new normal.  I've recruited a Thirty-One tote bag (a home party shopping brand of purses, bags, and totes <link) to carry him up and down the stairs more easily, and after the first trip downstairs, he seems to like it because when I put the bag down and asked him to climb in for the trip upstairs, he quickly obliged.  I've also ordered gripper socks for his hind feet on the wood floors, and a hip lift assist leash combo for walking with him to potty or for therapy if that is what the vet suggests tomorrow.

It was good to see family.

But my 💔.


  1. I am glad that you were able to see family but feel for you and Charlie. So very much.

    1. We are proceeding with somewhat aggressive treatment for a slipped disc which would not have shown on the x-rays because it is soft tissue. Light laser treatments x 6 to reduce pain & swelling, and increase healing & circulation. A week of steroids & Gabapentin. If he gets worse, he goes back immediately. If no improvement by Monday after his 2nd laser treatment on Thursday and all meds, she will order a CT Scan to see what the soft tissue looks like.

  2. You have a wonderful family.

    I'm praying Charlie will be just fine, maybe with a little treatment or therapy.

    1. they really are pretty cool. I'm gonna keep them.


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