Sunday, January 15, 2023

Sunday Selections ...

A collection of random photos that had not yet made it into the blog ...

I managed to capture some computer minions in my office who were causing me Monday morning issues.  Nasty little buggers.
Charlie's Auntie FiFi takes him on adventures occasionally while I'm working.
This was at Lake Tuckahoe.  There was a standoff between him and the Canadian geese until he realized he was outnumbered.

I'm on a Strategic Account Services team at work, which just means that when I send a provider's claim back to be reprocessed while wearing my "sassy hat," it has a little fire under it.
Only now I wear sassy ears.
I take my job very seriously.

This is the previously posted upcycled ceiling fan hanging outside where the crystals catch and scatter the sunlight.  I love it!

Lucy (l) and her mom, Gracie.  I love how they still snuggle.  Lucy will be 7 this October, and I think Gracie will be 9 in June.

This was a previously boring clay house.
I don't do boring in my house.

Gracie, working on her belly tan on a day when it was 11°F outside.


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