Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Wednesday~ish ...

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    Tonight is the Christmas dinner at church, and I'm going to have to miss it.  I've caught another cold, this time with a fever.  Not sure if that makes it the flu or just another virus, but I don't like to share when I'm sluffing off bugs with the fever.  I'm super disappointed, but just trying to do my part to limit the spread.  I think I caught it at last week's music concert at the library since Nancy is also sick now  ~ someone attending was coughing quite a bit and not wearing a mask.

    I will also miss out on another art class tomorrow night, this one for block print gift tags, and again, I'm bummed.  I wanted to learn how to make them because I think I will be making Christmas cards by hand next year instead of buying them.  Perhaps another time, or a tutorial on Pinterest or YouTube.

   I'm not working today, which is sort of a good thing.  By the time I got off the phone yesterday afternoon, I could barely speak without choking and did not get more than 4 hours of sleep last night because of my coughing and choking.  I may have to sleep sitting up tonight.

   Today is mostly being spent on the sofa, sipping hot organic Throat Coat tea, taking elderberry syrup, vitamin C, and catching up on things that don't require me to go outside or be around other people.  Laundry.  Dishes (hot water was out four days last week).  Craft ideas.

    I experimented with some air dry modeling clay to make some Springerle ornaments with anise seed on the back of them.  I'm not sure I like how they came out just yet because the design is hard to see, and while they smell good, they are still soft and a little plain (kinda like the cookies, which was the whole idea, but I could have made them a little thicker to show the design more)
.  I put light brown watercolor paint on them just to make them less white, and thought about coloring the design, but didn't like that because it made them not resemble the cookies.  I will probably get some more clay, the kind that has to bake dry and try again.

     I've also been trying some ideas for turning this year's cards into next year's tree ornaments, and have two possible designs.

     But I think right now I hear a nap calling my name ...


  1. Nap well - and wake up feeling better.

  2. Thank you. I tried to nap but wasn't able to fall asleep. For some unfortunate reason, when I sleep on my back, even at an incline when I'm sick, I tend to have nightmares or talk in my sleep which wakes me. This week the nightmares have been about my ex, which is very annoying that he still haunts my subconsciousness.


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