Sunday, January 10, 2021

Sunday ...

I have to say that this past week ... the first full week of the new year ... has been the most challenging and difficult of my time in this job.  So many rude, ANGRY people.  I've been cursed at every day, hung up on, insulted, and demeaned.   I don't know if the events of the week have had an impact on callers, or if everything over the last 13 months has just pushed people so far over the edge that politeness, civility, and kindness have just been lost completely.  It has been disheartening and discouraging.

I know that calling a phone customer service representative is seldom because everything is going well.  There is usually a problem or inconvenience.  But please remember that we are people too, just like you, trying to do a job and help you with whatever it is you are calling about.  Taking your anger and frustration out on the person at the other end of the telephone line may make you feel good, but it does nothing for us but ruin our day or week.  Not to mention that your negative critique of us on a follow-up survey can impact our jobs.

Just once, call a customer service rep and tell them that you aren't calling about a problem but just want to let them know that you appreciate their work, that you appreciate that you haven't had a problem.  You cannot imagine the difference you will make in their day or week.

It has been cold here this week, but no snow.  We finally had one uncloudy afternoon and the girls took full advantage of the sunshine coming in the window where my work desk is.  I've been working overtime [another drain on my physical being and emotions] so haven't had a day off yet this year, even working New Year's Eve.  My next day off will be the 17th unless they accept my last minute request yesterday to not work overtime on the 13th.

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My signed divorce decree papers arrived finally so a legal name change is soon to happen and I can't begin to tell you how excited I am for that.  I may have to have a virtual rebirth party to celebrate.


  1. My comments are often the same as Lucy's butt. LOL. I try to always be kind to CSRs (customer service reps). I know the woes they face.

    1. LOL. I do also. It is a hard job and we are often the verbal punching bag for someone's every resentment.

  2. Gratz on paperworks done! and commiseration on overtime, angry customers, and grey in grey.

    1. Mange tak for spændingen og komiserationen. [Thank you so much for the excitement and commiseration.]

  3. I am always nice to CSRs, especially when they are making me mad. I think of the number of times in the day they have been treated badly.

    1. LOL. We don't try to make anyone mad, but I will confess that there are some that should find another line of work. More than once I have been tempted to tell someone that, and I had even hung up on a co-worker this past week that I was attempting to transfer a member to. She had such a nasty attitude to me, even without knowing that we worked together, that I was not going to transfer someone else to her.

  4. It really is sad that many folks turn into brats and assholes when they are on the "being served" side of things (at a cash register, in a restaurant, being helped through the phone, etc). Thank you for a good reminder on that subject. I think if we were all a lot less in a rush - hurry ruins saints as well as artists - we would find room in our heart and day to communicate with other humans as humans....

    Praying God's peace comes through your phone line and might change the course of many folks' day.

    1. Thank you, Mel, I hope that you are doing well in the Northwoods!


All comments are moderated ... so be nice or be gone.