Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Words for Wednesday

  The sun coming up over the mountain was a refreshing sight on the first morning of 2021.  The past year had been filled with such a diverse assortment of fear, anger, and pain, it was almost as if the universe had conspired against all of them.

   She wished she could set all the clocks in reverse and start the year again.  Most of all, she wished she could take back the terse words she had said to family and friends when she had been nursing resentment.

    As she poured a glass of water over the smoldering remains of the small pit fire she had used to burn her list of regrets from 2020, she decided that she would consider the past year a dress rehearsal and a lesson in patience and compassion for the years to come.


Words for Wednesday is a traveling feast of creativity, and can currently be found [click here> on the Elephant Child's blog


  1. This is excellent. I hope I can do half as well.

    1. I'm sure you will, I can't wait to read yours!

  2. Love it. Mind you any fire set to burn my regrets would not be small. Never small. A volcano might be the appropriate fire pit to use.

    1. It helps if you write small and on both side of the pages, top to bottom and edge to edge. There will also be journal and planner pages which make up for some of the list. Some things also required simply a name to cover all the regrets associated with him.

  3. Amazing job using the prompts. You and I were on the same track with our stories as was EC (Sue). My story is posted on my blog.

  4. Fine approach. May your reward for patience and compassion be a state of serene calm and calm serenity.

    1. Thank you. I wish that for all of us in 2021!


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