Tuesday, September 3, 2024

running ...

Image Source: taken by "Genius" and allowed by Val.
"Can't you drive any faster?"

"I'm already driving faster than I should in this rain.  We'll be lucky if we don't hydroplane before I get pulled for speeding!"

"Well, we're going to have to be on the run as soon as we park, or we will miss our Orient Red train."

"What I don't understand is why you signed us up for this tour with a group of people we don't even know, let along belong to any common interest clubs with.  You know I hate feeling out of place."

"Please focus on the street and just get us there safely.  We won't have to face anyone until breakfast tomorrow morning and if you really feel out of sorts, you can just stay in the carriage and order room service."

"That's an option?  I will be more than happy to do that for the entire trip!"

"You know, Arthur, the reason I booked this tour was so that our retirement years wouldn't all be spent sitting in our living room, watching the same television shows over and over again.  I want to live a little.  Experience new things.  Meet new people.  I'd be happy if we even had to sleep in a tent every night.  In fact, I think I'm going to book us on a safari in Africa when we get back from this trip."

"Leave me out of it please.  Send me a postcard or two and tell me about it when you get back.  I have no interest in sleeping in a tent.  In fact, Lois, if I'd known that your 'little' surprise trip would involve an international flight to Paris and not to see the grandkids on the other side of the country, I would never have gotten on the plane."

"No one forced you to board the plane, Arthur.  You knew where it was going, before we even got in the car to go to the airport.  I saw you looking at the tickets I had hidden in my lingerie drawer, and what did you think we were getting new passports for?  Last time I checked, California was still a part of the United States with no passports required to visit the kids.  I think you were secretly thrilled when you saw where we were going for our anniversary, and you just want to play the grumpy old man act to get everyone's sympathy.  

  Well, I'm not going to cater to your little boy tantrums any longer.  If you want to stay in the cabin the entire train trip, you certainly can.  But don't expect me to spend the entire trip in there with you.  And I won't waste my time or money on booking you on any future adventures.  You forget that you have been living on my income since you decided that you were too good to work full-time, and that we are now living primarily on my investments and inheritances over the years.  Think about that while you are sitting alone in the cabin eating breakfast in the morning!"

Arthur wisely said nothing more about the trip for the duration of the drive, but Lois didn't miss his shocked expression at her outburst.  He knew he had finally worn out his welcome after all these years and was very lucky she'd even included him on this trip.  

Joining again in Words for Wednesday which can be found this month on River's blog here.


  1. I wonder whether Arthur will mend his ways or whether he has left it too late?

    1. I'll have to see where next week's prompts lead me and if the story will continue.

  2. Excellent use of the prompts! Arthur needs to adjust his attitude, it seems.

    1. A good kick in the seat of his pants might do it...

  3. Great story! I hope Arthur comes to his senses and joins in a bit with the adventures. He'll be a very lonely man if he doesn't.

    1. I think Lois has been the lonely one in the relationship so far...

  4. Wonderful story. Arthur is a bit of a dolt isn't he?


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