Tuesday, September 10, 2024

short weekends & unexpected guests ...

Let's start with the unexpected guest at 156a Saturday morning.
 Yes.  That is a black bear.  In my backyard. Caught on camera.
He did not partake of the apples and carrots that I left out for the groundhogs, possums, and rabbits.
He did go investigate my empty birdfeeders.
I'm just grateful Charlie hadn't needed a potty break at 155a or 157a.

The feeders will remain empty, at least until there is snow on the ground for more than a day.
I'm also going to stop encouraging the other wildlife until there comes a time when winter weather might make it hard for some of them to forage.

Unpacking and purging during the week required a trip to Goodwill to drop off things that no longer fit my life.  We then went on to visit Brenda & Joey's so Charlie could spend two nights with them.

As things tend to happen ... I lost all motivation to continue unpacking and purging.  Instead, I resolved to finish an art project I had started last year.

My gallery wall of my created art pieces is coming along.
I've signed up for two classes later this month, both with instructors I've never taken a class with before.

This was another new guest.
I've seen photos of walking sticks but never one in real life.

And finally, this little man.

Rescued from an unhealthy, unsafe situation that claimed the lives of three littermates.
He is three weeks old.  My neighbor, Paris, has his sister.
He has a name that may or may not become permanent, so I will wait to share.
I want him to believe he is a mighty warrior because we are going to have several weeks of fight ahead.


  1. Bears are fabulous, at a distance. I agree only feeding the animals during times when food is hard to get is a wise way to handle it.

    I like your art!

    Your little warrior will be in my prayers.

  2. Wow on the big black visitor. I would like to see it - from a safe distance. And hooray for taking time out from unpacking/purging.
    I look forward to reading more about your tiny new friend. Good luck.


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