Monday, September 16, 2024

it was a difficult week ...

i'm running behind on my words for wednesday contribution and i hope to do double duty this week to catch up.

the kitten died very early thursday morning, and by friday afternoon his sister was fading also.  i sat with her while she crossed over.  both of them were buried together on saturday.

to distract me from it all, i painted a new barn quilt board using the house colors saturday evening.

unpacking and purging continues.  another carload of things no longer needed, wanted, or fitting into my life was taken to the goodwill.  i dare not shop in there for a while or i'd be tempted to buy something back.

today, demolition started next door, so things became loud and annoying.  i'll be living in forced shadows as i keep the shades closed on that side of the house to keep charlie from barking at them non-stop.

i may have to consider getting a fence installed at some point.  remodeling on this house took almost two years.

i could be insane at that point.  or more so.


  1. I am sorry about the kittens. It hurts.
    Demolition noises and the resultant dust? Eeeeuw. I do understand where Charlie is coming from.
    Well done on continuing to purge.

  2. Hugs to you. It's so hard to fight for those little lives and then have to let them go.


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