Wednesday, September 4, 2024

long weekends ...

This handsome guy is an Io moth.  Hiding under those beautiful yellow top wings were two with stunning eyes [read more about the Io moth here].  He was by the back door this past Thursday.  Females are a brown color, and I believe that [the one I blogged about here] was one.

Morning coffee continues on the front porch.  This happy planter of succulents is the same one I created in early March [seen here on the blog].  Very happy spending the summer outside!

This is Charlie's favorite seat in the house, and his window for watching the world.

 Unpacking continues to be slow, but I did make some progress over the long weekend.  I got three tubs, and a box emptied.  I will probably make a run to Goodwill this weekend to donate some items.  It is too much of a hassle to try to sell things on Facebook, and I really don't want to play the yard sale haggle game.

I think when I get everything unpacked, sorted, purged, put away I might just have to have a warm house potluck party.


  1. Well done for taking it easy and a warm house potluck sounds like an excellent idea.

  2. I'm glad you are getting your nest settled. Charlie has the best seat in the house.


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