Wednesday, August 28, 2024

busy weeks & weekends

Days tend to blur together.  Work.  Unpack.  Put together.  Install.  Did I eat yet today? Take my meds? Try to sleep.   Repeat.

I did get all of the window shades put up.
Changed out shower heads.

Swapped out boring silver knobs for some pretty floral ones.
Put together a bench slash shoe rack and moved my dresser into the closet.
Rearranged the bedroom a little.
Flattened an embarrassing amount of Amazon boxes to be recycled.

 But I've also been taking advantage of coffee on the front porch in the mornings, listening to birds, and lately watching two hummingbirds fight over the feeders.
I've been sharing apples with the groundhogs.  Plural. There is a lighter, smaller one that lives in the culvert by the front of the house, and another larger, darker one near the stream in the back yard.  So far Charlie is oblivious to their existence, and I plan on keeping it that way.
I haven't seen the possum again, but I'm sure it's out there somewhere.
Cicadas are dying, so it has been a little quieter.
I've been told that in the fall the bobcats come down from the mountain and scream like a woman.

I think I'd rather have the cicadas.


  1. I am glad that you have been making time for coffee, the birds and the ground hogs. I have never heard a bob cat - that could be v disconcerting.

  2. It sounds like the mixture of joy and chaos that is moving and settling in, that is life. Enjoy your mornings on the porch with coffee and hummers and groundhogs.


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