Saturday, August 10, 2024

Saturdays ...

  Saturdays have become my exploring days.  Charlie is at his other home for a weekend slumber party.  It makes him happy.  And them ...   As much as I miss him when he is gone, I feel I'm more productive when I know he is getting all kinds of cuddles and attention when he is with them.  When he is here, I'm more inclined to spend time just hanging out with him on the sofa.

  This weekend, I've been working on getting some much-needed projects done.  It was "a week."

  Monday the wire clothes rack and shelf in my (only) closet tore free from the wall and crashed to the floor.  Since it is my only closet, it was also where the cat litter boxes were at the time.  They've now been moved to the back room.

  Needless to say, some clothes are getting washed again and tomorrow I will begin the task of putting together the two new rack and wood shelf units.

  I put together another storage shelf unit and got drapes hung in the back room, then finished putting up some privacy film in the bathroom window.  Had a very nice chat with one of my neighbors and learned more about the area.  Did some grocery shopping, met the local pharmacist and discovered we both graduated in the 80's and the era of really good music. I explored the local Ace Hardware store and was thrilled to find out that they are also a Hallmark store.  I confess to being a closet Hallmark-aholic.  Ursula has become my work mascot.

  My sister sent me a link to a nearby scenic mountain drive which I will probably do next weekend.  Just driving around town, I'm mesmerized by the beautiful old houses, and there is a cemetery to explore also when my knee is up to the climb.

  Hope you've had a peaceful and productive weekend ... 💚  Ci

1 comment:

  1. Ugh on the closet disaster. I'm glad you are having time to set it right again and do other things you want to get done.


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