Wednesday, August 21, 2024

you can teach an old dog....

"Mabel, we really don't need a dog at our age, and there isn't anything you can say or do to convince me otherwise."

"Edward, we are NOT that old.  You make is sound like Death is just outside our door.  It isn't!!  But it is sitting outside those poor senior dogs' kennels, and it's just not fair.  I'm not asking to take in a puppy with all of the training and housebreaking needs.  I'm talking about being temporary fosters for senior dogs over the holidays.  To give them a chance to experience what being in a home is really like so that maybe they will have a better chance of being placed in a permanent home."

"Ha!  I'm not stupid, Mabel.  I might not have as much education as some folks, but I know when I'm about to be fed a slice of eat my words pie.  Getting married to you was the biggest wakeup call in how the female mind works.  You say it would be just temporary, but I know you, and I know how you think."

"Edward.  Stop.  Let's just take a look at the dogs that have been at the shelter the longest and listen to what the volunteer has to say about the Home for the Holidays program.  Then you can decide, and I promise I won't put you on the ropes about it and make you give an answer right away.  We can stop by the shelter on the way back from the craft store.  I need to pick up some things for decorating the front stoop."


"Yes, now.  Get your coat on."

... one year later ...

"Edward?  Are you coming?  The photographer has everything ready, and I really want to get this family photo done today so we have time to order holiday cards.  Everyone is sitting still; we are just waiting on you."

"You can stop beating a dead horse with these 'family' photos for every Tom, Dick and Hallmark Holiday, Mabel.  I'm not sure that three old, gray dogs count as children. In dog years, they are likely older than we are!  I just don't understand why someone thought to name their Great Dane "Mouse," or why you thought that letting him sleep on the bed with us was a good idea.  I'm starting to feel like you prefer his company to mine at night."

"Honestly, Edward.  How can you say such a thing about Mousey?  Just because he doesn't snore nearly as loud as you do, it doesn't mean I prefer his company."

Joining in with Words for Wednesday, the prompts can be found here and above in bold italics.


  1. My smile is so big right now! Thank you for playing Words for Wednesday with us.

  2. Yay Mabel. She is one smart cookie and as Edward knows he has met his match.


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