Friday, November 27, 2020

Visitors with wings ...

  After three days of zero activity or interest at the bird feeders I placed outside the kitchen window, I decided to move them to just off the back patio where I had previously seen a cardinal and Carolina wren.  It proved to be a good move because not only did I see the Carolina wren at the feeder, but also inspecting one of the birdhouses I have hanging in the trees.  I have started a new list to the right of birds seen at the feeders, and hope that the numbers and variety increase the longer I am here.  I think they have just not been fed here in the past, and don't expect feeders.  My eBird checklist has several new species I didn't see in Wisconsin, so I am excited to be looking for new faces at the feeders.

  I've seen at least one grey squirrel, but haven't yet told Charlie.  He seems to be unsure of what to think about the nearby dog that barks whenever I go outside with him.  I have to wonder if they sound different than Wisconsin dogs, or if it is just because he can't see it.  Knock on wood, he is much quieter here than he was in Wisconsin, but I think perhaps it is because we left the drama llama there, and this house doesn't have the negative energy that was in Wisconsin.

  Speaking of energy, there has frequently been an aroma of flowers in the house at odd intervals and places.  I haven't quite been able to pin it down to anything specific that I may have packed and brought into the house, such as the dryer sheets I packed with my clothes.  I'm choosing to believe that it is angels blessing the house and the move.  Especially after being graced with the presence of a cardinal while moving in.

  Things are slowly coming together with unpacking.  There will be more furniture I need to get for the living room and book/storage shelves for all the rooms.  I briefly thought of getting beanbag chairs for the living room that will be easier to move later than larger furniture.  But the one bean-chair I got to sit in while watching TV after getting up from the floor was nearly an Olympic feat has become a Senior Olympic's feat.  These old bones are not made for sitting on the floor or in bean-chairs.

  My "office" has a goal wall that I am using to decorate with artwork and photos of past trips to remind me of places I want to travel to again.  I'm looking forward to adding to it, but at the same time, it reminds me of mementos I had left behind in storage in Wisconsin.  I'm torn between finding a way to retrieve everything there, or just letting it all go and getting new items from future travels.  I know that most of what is there would be unused here, just more clutter in an expensive storage unit.  If I were to just let all that "baggage" go I could put the funds spent on that unit into a travel fund.   Hmmmm.  I think the decision has been made...

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