Sunday, November 1, 2020

anxious anticipation ...

 I could not fall asleep Friday night.  I think the anticipation of the upcoming move and road trip had me anxious.  The journey will retrace the one I took to get here, with an extra stop since I don't know how early I will be able to get on the road the day I leave.  There will be much to do that day, the last of which will be loading up the fur kids, and relinquishing the house key.

Finally, at 4a Saturday, I gave up trying to sleep and got up, showered, and began my day.  This resulted in being completely exhausted by 4:30 in the afternoon, and so to bed, I went.  I slept for about 15 hours with bizarre dreams of an ex-husband, a junior high school crush, dogs waiting for me at the rainbow bridge, and a house I have not lived in for over 23 years.  My body was rested, but my brain confused.

Today I have been listening to the Minnesota Vikings (my favorite team since the days of Fran Tarkenton) and the Green Bay Packers football game, purging and packing my living room clutter, and shopping for furniture.  Since I can only take what I can carry alone I've been ordering larger items and having them shipped ahead of me.  For the first time in over eight years, I am decorating again according to my preferences and not someone else's.  Furniture styles I like, not something picked up for free on the side of the road.  Colors that bring me joy, not something related to a college football team favored by someone who never finished the 9th grade.

I am excited at this time of new beginnings and creativity.  The future is bright ... and not a bright garnet and gold.


  1. I am excited with and for you. Hooray for being able to reclaim yourself.

    1. My word for 2021 is going to be "create" ~ to create a new life, happiness around me, and another novel!


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