Wednesday, August 31, 2022

small steps

My garden goals for next spring.
  I've been making a little progress with unpacking.  Little steps forward, but then sidetracked with something that catches my eye here and there.  An idea.  Something to add to a list.  Doing too much, tweaking my back, and being forced to stop for a few hours ... or a day.

  The previous tenants were smokers ... and apparently smoked quite a bit in the bathroom.  I spent a few hours cleaning nicotine off the bathroom ceiling and walls.  Bleh.  Glad I finally got it done though, it made a world of difference in how the bathroom looks and smells.  I still plan to repaint the walls, but now probably won't have to paint the ceiling.

  I unpack, organize, rearrange, unpack, change my mind and rearrange again.  I'll be really glad when it is all done, but I'm trying not to rush it, and really hurt my back.  I see an acupuncturist at the end of September, which will be a new experience for me, but I can't take my arthritis medications anymore and need to figure out something else.

  My backyard is so huge I could almost have a small farm with mini Highland coos, mini goats, and fancy chickens if I wasn't within city limits.  It goes back to the big yellow building even though it is fenced just behind the small yellow shed.  The shed, fence, and all of the surrounding weeds will get cleared out at some point in the future.  I'd like to do a labyrinth garden for herbs and flowers, and planter gardens for veggies.

  Instead of farm animals, I'm going to look into fruit trees, to help pollinators and for the birds and wild animals ... rabbits, deer, but hopefully not bears.  I've seen deer on the street, but not (knock on wood) bears.

  I'm ready for cooler fall weather to start and have enjoyed the occasional nights and mornings when there has been a crisp snap in the air.

                   Stay safe.  Be blessed.



  1. Every journey starts with small steps. And standing still is fine too.
    Be well - and have fun.

  2. Praying for your back and hoping you continue to enjoy putting your home together as only you can do.


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