Saturday, June 4, 2022

a walkabout

I had to get bloodwork done this week at the new doctor's office and walked up there on Wednesday morning.  It was humid and foggy.  The last stretch of the walk is on a bridge over the railroad tracks, and I loved how they seemed to disappear around the bend into the fog.
It was still foggy when I walked home, but I stopped to explore some bright colors I saw across the road.
I think these ^ are cosmos flowers and have been following a woman on Instagram who does floral printing and dying with naturals, especially cosmos flowers she grows in various colors.  I may have to sneak back and get some of these to try one day, if not this summer then next.  I don't know what the flowers below are, but they were beautiful.  I saw a few wild lupines in a deep purple, but they were up an almost vertical hill that I did not want to attempt to climb.  Along the walk, there was wild honeysuckle growing in the shade and the scent was just wonderful.  It has inspired me to get some for my own very shaded side yard ... ah but next payday.
I picked up my acrylic pour project from last Saturday after it had dried, and tried several photos to capture the iridescence of the blue black paint on the right side of it.  The picture doesn't do it justice.
On a very positive note, my labs came back with exciting news and an answer to prayers.  My A1C has dropped to the point where I am not considered "diabetic" but a "watch and see" now, and have stopped taking the meds.  I've been wearing a continuous glucose monitor for over a month now, and it has good and bad points.  The good is that it has helped me to learn which foods have a negative impact on my blood sugar.  The bad is that it has helped me to learn which foods have a negative impact on my blood sugar.  Cheese, a protein I love, is not on my good list.  However, bacon and eggs are, and I'd been avoiding them because of the cholesterol concerns.  Go figure.

It is now Saturday, and I'm being very productive in spite of this brief break to finish this post.  I've already patched the holes in the ceiling left behind when my landlord replaced the single light with a fan/light fixture in the bedroom.  I've vacuumed, and am waiting now for the spray paint fumes to dissipate in the bedroom from the central air intake in filter cover which had unsightly rust on it.  Once this is posted I will finish cleaning and organizing in the bedroom, then patch the holes in the ceiling in the office and work there.

But first, more coffee.

Hope your week has been good, and your weekend will be wonderful.
Hugs, Ci


  1. Wonderful news about your blood work. Sigh at the cheese - one of my favourite foods. I suspect that I would have become a vegan if not for cheese...
    You are indeed being very productive, and I love that you make room in that productivity for creativity.

    1. I am of the same mindset about cheese. It is my weakness. I did get the office ceiling patched, clean laundry put away, washed another load, finished painting a window gift for a friend.

  2. What a blessing to have such good news! Although, cheese, le sigh.

    Praying you have a blessed and beautiful week.


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