Saturday, July 13, 2024


Charlie and I have been doing this thing for the past month and a half.
Yesterday, I finally signed the papers.

This is our new home.
Say hello to The Roxy. 

It is a flipped house, here is what it looked like before:
She was built in 1922 ~ just in time for flapper dresses and the Roaring Twenties.

She is a one-bedroom house, perfect for us, and in a community with a lot of art events and creativity.

Yesterday I hung some curtains, got the internet hooked up, all of the utilities put in my name, a window shelf unit in the kitchen window for my herbs, and pretty much exhausted myself and Charlie with all the running around.  To be fair, Charlie was mostly bored but did perform some excellent guard dog duties when the internet guys showed up.

I will post more pictures eventually, but the next two weeks will be super busy as we move from one house to another.  At least this will be the last time I ever have to move (willingly).

💚 Ci


  1. Wonderful, wonderful news. Pace yourself. You have plenty of time to get it the way you want it.

  2. Hooray and congratulations and you are in my prayers for this to be the home where you can just be!


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