Thursday, July 25, 2024

coming up for air ...

 As you can see, everyone is hard(ly) at work unpacking.

Although, to give the cats credit ~ Gracie (on the left) is at least diligently patrolling for mice.  I found what was left of one in the hallway early one morning.  Ever so grateful that I had turned on the hall light on my way to the loo.  Stepping on the remaining innards, hind feet, and tail would have certainly woken up the entire county.  I'm certain it was her because she lived a semi-feral life in the Michigan Upper Peninsula prior to living with me.

"Some" of us work harder than others.

I was amazed at how well the buffet upcycle goes with the wall color.  

King Charles on his throne, surveying his kingdom one rainy morning while I had my coffee.

I should have the last of my stuff out of the previous toxic residence tomorrow, and then will have the challenging task of finding places to put it all.  Or not.  I'm currently making good use of some extra-large trash bags, rather indiscriminately.  A box for items to sell, another for items to donate.



  1. Good to see a post from your new home. Take it easy. Please.

    1. take it easy is easier said than done at times!

  2. I am very much in like with your buffet, and have been since you started working on it. If I had the money, I'd want to commission one.

    You are in my prayers for the rest of the move to go well.

    1. Thank you for the prayers. Can never have too many of those. And thank you for the compliment on the buffet. It was a labor of some blood and sweat.


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