Sunday, December 24, 2023

Happy Christmas Eve ...

 The weekend's plans changed, but that is the plus side of being flexible.

 Friday a book I won in a holiday giveaway at work arrived.  "Greenlights" by Matthew McConaughey [<link]  So far it is a very good read and I highly recommend it.

 Yesterday, Charlie's besties from across the street (Brenda & Joey) surprised us with some gifts.  One of the chew bones is missing because we have no adult supervision and Charlie insisted we open the package right away.  Needless to say, we love all of it (they know us so well!), and I know he will appreciate the Chill Out bandana in the summer.

 His hind legs seem to be about 97% back to normal.  Or at least they've sobered up when he walks.  He moves a little slower, which is fine because I do too, and sometimes he wants more help than on other days.  If I were a Reiki practitioner, I would say that his injury was just a little below his shoulder blades because that is where I sense more heat when he is getting a massage in the evenings.

 This morning I went to a Christmas Eve church service and saw my friends Will, Erica & baby Hazel.  I'd share a photo of Erica, me, and Hazel, except Hazel was hangry and screaming, and I looked like I had a fat bottom lip because I was trying to comfort her for the camera (but it looks like I'm going to take a bite out of her instead).  So you get instead a picture of the ornament I got from them.

 In a previous life, "Cici" was going to be the nickname the step-grandkids were going to call me, but that never happened so now it is the nickname that Hazel will have for me.  I'm somewhere between an auntie and a granny in the hierarchy of things, which is a good place to be in any hierarchy.  

 Erica made the ornament and also gifted me with a scarf she had dyed with mushrooms!  I mean, for one thing, it is so beautiful and looks like tree bark.  But secondly, dyed from mushrooms?!?!?  Who knew you could even do that?  Erica, obviously, but I just love homemade gifts!  Oh, and the cookies she made?  Didn't even make it all the way home, and YUM!

 Speaking of cookies ... I have to give a huge shout-out to my friend, Maureen, who sent me a box from Texas of ... homemade gingersnaps and sugar cookies!!!  I don't have any pictures to share of those because ... ahem, NO adult supervision!  If she doesn't open a post-retirement, gluten-free, Harry Potter-themed bakery, I would gladly pay to have cookies shipped for the holidays!

 For a parting shot this evening, I leave you last night's Waxing Moon in Aries as seen through the tree limbs in the front yard.

 I wish you the very best of the holidays, no matter where you are or which holiday you celebrate this month.  I think we are all grateful that 2023 is coming to an end, and we are all hopeful that 2024 will be better for each and every one of us.

  Hugs ................ Ci


  1. I pray you and everyone you love has a blessed and beautiful Christmas!

  2. I am so glad that Charlie is feeling better. There are no adults in this house either. Just as well. Merry Christmas.


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