Saturday, July 8, 2023

Saturdays are for ... discoveries

 ... and heat ... and dehydration ... and Lucy's toes.  

Saw some beautiful moths at my friend Deborah's house.  I love how each of them is unique, with stunning symmetry.  This first one was nearly the size of my palm!

This one below made me think of shelf fungi on a tree.

I love the subtle sage green on this one!

I've discovered that one of my birdhouses is inhabited by a [link>] Carolina Wren momma who is quite vocal when I go outside. {listen to the second Northern call, recorded March 8, 2020, on the link above under sounds} I will have to wait until the nest is empty before I move the house across the street to my new home later this month.

It has been quite hot here lately.  Hot and humid.  I have to constantly be aware of how much water I'm drinking and have gotten into the habit of having at least one glass of water a day with "Liquid IV" which is a powder electrolyte replenishment so that I don't get leg cramps at night when I'm trying to sleep.  I've reduced the amount of coffee I drink in the mornings, but still find my ankles swelling at night from the humidity.  Right now it is 85F with a "real feel" of 86F and 43% humidity.

It seemed that every time I moved when I lived in Wisconsin, it was in the middle of winter with two feet of snow on the ground.  Since moving here, I've switched seasons to the summer, when the heat exhausts me faster.  Fortunately, this upcoming move will be the last for at least five years.

Lucy has trained me to give her back massages and belly rubs.  The latter will always find her splaying the toes on her feet, which I cannot resist tickling.  

When I move, I will have roommates for a time from the Philippines, and one from India.  So I am also discovering new foods and hopefully recipes I can make myself later.  All of them are all hospitality and culinary interns at the nearby resort.  They cook a large community dinner each evening, so I'm anticipating a house home filled with lots of laughter for the next nine months.  But I may have to invest in a treadmill to walk on while I work just to keep my weight and diabetes under control!


  1. I think that the beauty of moffs is often severely underestimated.
    Good luck with your move.
    I hear you on heat and humidity. Neither are my friends.

  2. Moths can be as fascinating as butterflies.

    I wouldn't be able to resist those toes, either.

    I'm glad you are moving in with such a delightful crew.


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