Saturday, March 18, 2023

bits and bobs ...

 ... that was one of my mother's favorite phrases.  She'd mail me clippings of cartoons or newsy articles that she thought I needed to read and call them her "bits and bobs."

 The only five daffodils to bloom in the yard (so far) were close to freezing the other day when it was snowing.  I cut them and put them in a vase of warm water, and they were very grateful.  The peonies I transplanted from my previous rental are all starting to come up, and I'm so excited!  There are even some transplanted Easter lilies that are starting to make an appearance.

 Winter is still not done with us yet, but we've been fortunate to not have snow like parts of the northwest or northeast.

 However, there was one morning when Gracie managed to sneak out unseen just after midnight when I let Charlie out for a minute.  Temps were below freezing that night, and I had set the security cameras on silent so did not hear the alert as she tried to get in for the next five hours until his spoiled hiney wanted to go out again.  The rest of the day she spent snuggling up with Lucy or me, trying to get fully warmed up.  She was a bit "off" for the next week and I was watching her closely to be sure that she wasn't sick.  Fortunately, the camera showed that she stayed close to the door and there weren't any interactions with the other neighborhood cats or wild animals.

 I've been fighting off a little bit of depression the past few weeks.  I made a decision to leave the church I'd been attending since August 2021 when there were things that the leadership was doing that went against what I believe the Bible says we are to do, and who Jesus calls us to be.  It was a difficult decision, and I miss seeing some of the members.  I've been attending a smaller church plant within walking distance and beginning again the process of making new friends.  My new work schedule limits the events I can attend to just Sundays, and while I love my schedule, I've become even more isolated.  I'm working hard to save for a car by the end of the summer.

 Thursday morning, my friend Nancy (Charlie's Auntie Fifi) came over before I started work with her neighbor's dog, Cotton, for a play date.  Charlie, of course, doesn't always play well with others, but he did manage to enjoy some games of tag and keep-[his toys]-away from with her.   Even Gracie, who had been avoiding going outside since her unfortunate adventure on Sunday morning, came out to roll in the sun on a rare warm morning.

 The backyard area there is one that I want to work on as soon as the weather warms enough so that I can stay out for longer periods in the summer and fall.  Rather than putting flowers in the ground, I'm planning on keeping them potted or hanging, and even considering a small solar water fountain.

 So those are my "bits and bobs" for the week.  I hope that your weekend is warm and lovely.

                           Be blessed.     ~Ci~


  1. Bibs and bobs was a phrase my mother used too. Love the cheery daffodils and am glad that Gracie didn't come to any harm.
    I hope your new church works out for you.

  2. I pray your new church home is a blessing to you.

    It's good to hear your kitty didn't suffer any permanent harm from the adventure, i hope she has learned a lesson (but i doubt it, knowing cats).

    May you be blessed with a car soon!

    1. thank you! and Gracie is back to trying to sneak out into the sunshine when she can. tho, I really can't blame her.


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