Tuesday, February 7, 2023


Her: "How many times are you going to change the channel before you finally stop to watch a complete show?"

Him: "I don't know.  How many times are you going to ask me that before you stop asking?"

Her: "How many times have I already asked you?"

Him: "Seventeen."

Her: "Hmm.  Okay.  So I guess that depends on how many more times you are going to channel surf before you stop.  What channel are you on now?"

Him: "Seven."

Her: "And how many more channels are there to check?"

Him: "Um, I guess six hundred and something."

Her: "Seriously?!?!  You can't just look at the channel guide and pick something you want to watch without going through them all one at a time?"

Him: "No.  If it is something I have already seen, it will take me at least ten seconds to see if it is at a point in the show worth watching over again, and if it isn't something I've seen before, it takes at least nine minutes to see if it is something worth watching."

Her: "Oh, so you have it down to a science?"

Him: "Of course.  I've been watching TV at least thirteen months longer than you, so I have much more experience at it."

Her: "Funny.  I thought that was how old you were."

Him: "What are you talking about?  I'm 25, and ... oh.  Hard-de-har-har.  Very funny."

Her:  LaughingOutLoudFallingOffChairRollingOnFloor

Participating in Words for Wednesday here.


  1. Very funny. I'd leave him to it and read a book.

  2. I would be the brother channel surfing and really, it does take only a few seconds to see if you want to watch something. Good use of the prompts.

    Have a lovely day


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