Monday, May 31, 2021

Dandelion Festival 2021

  It was a rainy week and weekend here, but that did not dampen all of the festivities for the first Dandelion Festival since Covid-19 put everyone on lockdown in 2020.

  I was only able to enjoy the events first hand Saturday evening after I got off work, and Sunday, but I did enjoy listening to the band playing at the Road Hog BBQ on Friday night since I could hear it from my back patio. (it was much less deja-vu-do-do than the band the week prior on Thursday).

  Charlie and I walked down on Saturday to sit and listen to the band.  His "little man syndrome" was a bit of an embarrassment when he first tried to challenge police dogs, and then a German shepherd on the street.  Even more of a problem came when he wanted to eat a much smaller Yorkie that was trying to enjoy the music as well.  I will probably not be able to take him to events in the future and will just have to walk him away from any other dogs.

  The rain did not stop the fireworks on Saturday night, and I found out that the house I'm renting is so close to where they set off the pyrotechnics that the house actually shakes.  It actually sounded like a bomb going off when they sent up the first one an hour before they were scheduled because of the weather. The cats were not thrilled.  At.  All.

  Yesterday I walked down to watch the parade.  I tried an interesting "fair food" concoction of chicken waffles on a stick.  The waffle batter smelled like it had cinnamon in it, and would probably have been better with melted butter and syrup by itself.  The syrup was offered, however, I've not been able to eat it for decades without a rather unpleasant reaction from the effect it has on my blood sugar.  It is my Jeckyl and Hyde formula.

Miss West Virginia
   I'm not sure what parades were like in the past.  If the move to homeschooling because of Covid-19 shut down school bands or music programs.  But it was a rather short and sweet parade consisting of only vehicles.  Leading it was veterans of various wars, followed by more pageant queens than I've ever seen in one place ~ at least ten young ladies and girls tossing out candy to rival Halloween.  Bringing up the end were local fire trucks and firefighters.

  Next month, there will be a Renaissance Fair in Lewisburg that I'm going to plan on going to one Sunday.  I've never been to one, other than a Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament restaurant in California.  I think I'm more interested in crafts, falconry, and horses than swordplay tho.  I'm also very over any more plagues and pestilence in this century.  


  1. We really don't do parades here - and certainly not those including pageant queens. Another difference in our sometimes similar cultures.
    The Renaissance Fair sounds like fun - but I agree with your reservations. Falconry fascinates me.
    Poor Charlie (and poor you). And the poor cats. And birds who are also impacted by firework noise and glare.

    1. I was grateful that they did not do the "fire run" event that was done in Ashland WI ~ after all the firewords were over, they would block off side streets to the Main Street and every single police car, fire truck, fire engine, ambulance, tow truck, anything with sirens and lights would race [at least 60mph] down Main Street with lights, sirens and horns blaring. It was quite unnerving.

  2. It looks like it was a nice event to ease back in to having such things. Some dogs just wag their tales to their own tune, don't they.

    Years ago i got to go to a Renaissance fair, it was a lot of fun.

    1. I have a cousin who used to (maybe still does) belong to the Society for Creative Anachronisms and they would have frequent Renaissance events with gorgeous costumes.


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