Tuesday, February 18, 2025

no qualms about it ...

   Thal watched as the argument between Kael and the gnoll became louder and more threatening, unsure of how to act.  True, Kael was the definition of a scumbag, the likes of which the forest had never seen before.  But he was a wood elf, and thereby kinfolk.  He had no qualms with letting Kael be on the karma end of something that was his own doing.  But this wasn't that kind of a situation.  Thal wasn't sure if he could live with himself if he said nothing, regardless of whether or not Kael deserved what was coming to him.

  Against what Lyri would consider a judicious thought, Thal quietly reached into his bag for one of the blue glass beads that she had given him instead of the seeds.  Fitting it into his slingshot, he thought to himself that if he missed hitting the gnoll's elephant sized head, he would deserve whatever happened next.

  He waited, poised to shoot until the argument between the two of them reached a fever pitch to drown out any noise he might make.  Kael and the gnoll were nearly to blows when they both turned away to look at a noise from the other side of the tree.  Now was his chance.  He pulled back even harder on the sling and released his shot.

  What happened next Thal was never able to fully remember.  The bead hit the gnoll just behind his left ear.  As he spun around to confront whoever hit him, there was a sound of a roar from the far side of the tree, out of Thal's sight.  Kael also spun around, but not to confront an unknown attacker.  His eyes were wide with fear, and he ran into the woods to Thal's left, rather than running straight ahead into the waiting ambush.

  The gnolls that had been hiding in the woods around Thal gave their own answering roar and charged forward out of the trees towards whatever was approaching from the other side.  In the ensuing confusion, Thal was knocked to the ground, unconscious, and run over by several of them.  Something that worked in his favor ...

  It was dark when Thal finally regained consciousness, and something heavy was pinning him to the ground.  Whatever it was, it also stunk to high heaven.  After struggling for almost thirty minutes, Thal was finally able to get free of what turned out to be a very dead gnoll.  All around him were more dead gnolls.  He didn't see Kael anywhere, nor did he see what might have killed the gnolls.  They didn't have many enemies that Thal knew of, and in this battle at least, it appeared the fight was one-sided.

  Thal's head was pounding, but he knew he needed to quickly get back to the heart of the forest where the wood elves lived.  And Lyri.  He needed to get back to her.  But the beating his body had taken as he'd been trampled by the gnolls in their panic had zapped his usually limitless energy and strength.  Now he slowly made his way back home, forced to stop every few hours to rest and sleep, always mindful of the danger Lyri could be facing with each passing day.

It's Words for Wednesday again ...

Sunday, February 16, 2025

on this day ....

in 2022... 

I'd created a canvas showing little bits of who I was.

The top row isn't pictured, but it included a clay paw imprint of my soul dog, Trooper, as well as a photo of a German man in lederhosen driving a horse drawn wagon.

The middle row from L to R includes found feathers because I love watching birds, and my favorite color combination of turquoise and brown.

Bottom row, my love for reading; upcycling vintage finds; and a piece of a postcard because I love getting them in the mail along with letters and cards.  (I'm a semi-closeted mail-aholic).

Saturday, February 15, 2025

thoughts on a ...

L-R:  My mom, me, Grandmother, Aunt, cousin
I may now be the age my grandmother was in this photo.
  ... Saturday morning.  Thursday got away from me this week.  It's actually been a week that has felt like a month.  Maybe even a year.  Monday brought news of health concerns for two family members, and combined with the unexpected snow on Tuesday, it just threw my week for a loop.   The one family member's diagnosis was not as serious as originally thought, which was a relief.  However, my last aunt was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer and died last night, only days after the diagnosis.

  I've been up before the sun, although "up" is a relative term since I've not been "down" to sleep except for a about an hour or more while watching TV last night.  That's always an odd sensation when I wake up without even knowing that I'd been drowsy or was falling asleep at some point.  Just "poof."  Going to bed was just a wasted effort because I still don't feel tired at all.

  I suppose it is all the thoughts rattling around in my head.  Life.  Death.  Mortality.  Aging.  All the things one thinks when a loved one is lost.  I never expected to reach this age.

~ Invincible Summer ~

"My dear, In the midst of hate, I found there was, within me, an invincible love.  In the midst of tears, I found there was, within me, an invincible smile.  In the midst of chaos, I found there was, within me, an invincible calm.  I realized, through it all, that ... In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.  And that makes me happy.  For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there's something stronger ~ something better, pushing right back."

~ Albert Camus ~

Hug someone today ... Ci 💚

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

... stuck between a rock and a hard place ...

   Thal left in the early morning as soon as he saw Kael slip away from the small community of wood elves where he had been staying to court Lyri.  He didn't see Thal following him at a distance, and neither did Kael's winged spies.

  It would have been cruel of Thal to speak to Lyri before he left.  He knew she cared deeply for him, and his own feelings were hard for him to describe.  He wished he hadn't needed to leave without saying goodbye, but he was afraid it would have been the last time he saw her, and he wasn't ready to face that yet.

  When he returned, he would formally ask her father if he could court her, but until then, he was determined to save the forest as well as his community.  Whether it was to prove himself worthy of a woman like Lyri, he wasn't sure.  But it was something that he needed to do for all of their futures.

  Sneaking through the underbrush, Thal was finding it hard to keep up with Kael as he was equally suspicious and determined not to be followed.

  Finally, Kael stopped at a massive oak tree that stood at the edge of the forest and the beyond.  A solitary guardian between the world of the elves, and the world of the humans.

  A lone gnoll appeared on the other side of the oak tree, and Kael stepped forward to greet him.  Thal couldn't hear what the two of them were saying, but whatever it was, it was making the gnoll angry.  Raising his arms, he appeared to be threatening Kael.

  Thal moved closer to the two, hiding himself in some blue elephant grass, and in doing so he realized that he was suddenly in the middle of several gnolls who had not yet noticed him.  The gnoll that was arguing with Kael had set him up for an ambush!  

  Now Thal was faced with a horrible decision.  Does he warn Kael and risk his own life, or does he let Kael be attacked and risk the wood elf community?


What was I thinking?!?  I forgot it was Tuesday and the Words for Wednesday prompts were up at Postcards from the Bookstore!  It has been a "week" at work!

it's baaaaack....

Happy boy loves to be in the snow as long as it isn't over his head.

My car at 918a.  Watch the tire.




Shoveled part of the front steps at 338p.
At that time, we had about 16" of snow.

Same steps at 612p.
I think they were expecting us to get between 5-8" of snow with this storm.
It's not going to let up until sometime tomorrow.
The snow is now over Charlie's head.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

on this day in ...

 I didn't know it at the time, but this was the beginning of the year I didn't die after all.
Covering two of my dining room walls with memories was just because they made me smile.

Before the end of summer, the other two walls were covered in pictures of family and friends.
Some praying for my recovery, some I didn't think I'd ever get to see again, and some I hoped I would get to see again when I died.

This was the year my "first kiss" died of Covid before I could tell him I was going to live.
But I was able to tell my mom I was going to live... before she died a week later.

You learn a lot about what is really important when you don't think you have any time left to waste.

On Labor Day weekend 2001, I was in the restaurant at the top of the North WTC Tower, looking down at taxi cabs the size of ants.   I still have the picture I took of that view, but I can't look at it anymore.
On 9/11, I was in an airplane flying to Pennsylvania for a business trip in New Jersey.
My flight was grounded in Atlanta, and all flights were cancelled before I even knew what was happening. I rented a car to drive home, and was on the road just minutes before the airport was locked down for more than 24 hours.

You can waste your life thinking "What if they had hit the weekend before?"   "What if I'd stayed in Panama City with Dad when they divorced?"  "What if I'd said yes to going to Colorado?"  "What if I'd made different choices... said no... said yes... left sooner... left later...?"

But the truth of the matter is this.
You are right where you are supposed to be.
Every choice you made, right or wrong, made you who you are right now in this moment in time.
And this moment in time is all we ever get.
There are no guarantees that we will see the sunrise tomorrow.

So, make today's sunrise count.
Make this moment matter.
If not for you, then make it matter for the ones you care about.
As much as you possibly can ... be at peace.

Be happy.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Thursday thoughts ...

 "The gentle spring rain permeates the soil of my soul.

A seed that has lain deeply in the earth for many years just smiles."

~ From Thich Nhat, "Cuckoo Telephone," in Call Me By My True Name ~

  I was up before sunrise and driving just as it was peeking over the top of the mountains behind me.  An early morning appointment 30ish miles away.

  Sometimes as I drive, I catch myself humming Daisy Bell, an old song written in 1892 [<link], and I wondered why.  I thought it was because I'd heard it in the late 1990s while commuting with a work friend who played Disney songs for her daughter (she rode part of the trip with us).  But after a Bing search, I couldn't find where it was in any Disney movie soundtracks.  So, I'm twice as perplexed on where I first heard it.  Perhaps in a previous life?


    When I got home from my appointment this morning, I was able to put up part of a temporary fence.  It is less to confine Charlie in the backyard, and more to keep him from plunging into the creek while chasing squirrels in the yard.

  It's hard to tell in this picture, but there is a significant and unexpected drop off just before the nearest trees.  The squirrels leap it with ease, but Charlie has yet to develop those skills or muscles (thankfully!).  On the far side where that blue plastic tarp is, if you look at the tree lying horizontally, the water yesterday was at the lower s the tree.  Between snow melt and the rain yesterday, it was more of a raging river than a quiet, trickling creek.  If he were to tumble down into the creek, he would be gone before I could even blink.

   The fence will not standup against the bear, but it may be difficult for Mr. Chonk the groundhog to climb, so I'm leaving the ends open for them.  Once all the fence pieces are in place, I want to get some rasp/blackberry bushes to plant at the open ends to further discourage Charlie, and but to feed the local wildlife and birds.  I might also research some groundhog friendly veggies and plant them at the far end of the property, and outside the fence line.


  The quote above is from one of three books I'm reading right now.  The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching by Thich Nhat Hanh.  I'm also reading Native American Spiritualism by L.M. Arroyo; and The Natural Home Wheel of the Year by Raechel Henderson.  After getting a few chapters into L.M. Arroyo's book, I realized that two of the novels I wrote were harmful appropriations of Native American legends and spiritualism, and it made me uncomfortable.  So, they are no longer available for sale on Amazon.  My intent to write a third has been shelved unless I write a follow up to My Best Friends Have Hairy Legs, which is also no longer available for purchase.  I'm trying to decide if I want to even write another novel, or if I will be content with simply blogging.

  In the fall of 2023, when I had an Indian Sikh roommate, Bipan and I would have the most fascinating discussions about religions and faith.  One of the books on my shelf is The Buddha and His Dhamma by Dr. Bhimrao R. Ambedkar. [<link] According to Bipan, it is the equivalent of the Christian bible but to Indian Sikhs.  I also had several other culinary interns from the Philippines who were (very loud and vocal) practicing Catholics in the house at the time.  One night after dinner, when they had said grace, and some repetitive chanting by them all, I asked him if any of it made him uncomfortable.  He said no, because he felt that there were a lot of similarities in his faith... they just used different words.  After that conversation is when I ordered the book.

  Wishing you a weekend of enlightenment ... Hugs, Ci💚

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

last weekend ...

  After finally getting my car freed from the ice blockage on Saturday, I went to get some fresh groceries.  Especially salads. 

  Sunday's salad was a wilted (with a little bit of bacon grease for flavor) spinach salad with mushrooms, sun-dried tomatoes, black olives, cheese and croutons.

  I also have gotten into the habit of having a crisp Granny Smith apple for breakfast, and mandarins for an evening snack during the week.  I can't say that I'm eating "healthier" (yet) because my current work shift makes for odd mealtimes, but I'm working on getting into a better routine, and at least not unintentionally skipping meals.

  Monday was a planned day off, which as usual I filled with back-to-back appointments.  A consult with an orthopedic surgeon to schedule arthroscopic knee surgery to clean up some torn meniscus on the left.  Confirmation that at some point in the not so far future I will need a knee replacement on the right.

  After a quick stop to confirm retirement is on hold for a while, I had two other dental/medical appointments.  Missed a call to get a new one done yesterday, so it has been pushed to an (ungodly) early hour later in the week.

  Last stop was to get His Highness King Charles from his bestie's before heading back home.  He had spent about 12 nights with them, longest time away from me so far.  I missed him, even if the cats didn't!

  It was a busy day, but a lot was accomplished as far as appointments.  Not surprisingly, all we did when I got home was couch potato!

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

follow me home ...

  Thal stood firm against Lyri's pleas to abandon his plans to follow Kael.  He knew the danger, but he also knew what the bigger danger was to all of the forest.  He had seen what happened when gnolls ravaged a forest community.  It wasn't only the people, elves and others, that vanished.  It was all life.  When gnolls invaded, there was nothing left but scorched earth in their wake.  If Kael was in league with them, he had to be stopped.

  Lyri's voice quavered as she tried one more time to get Thal to change his mind.  She didn't understand why he was being so stubborn.

  "Is it because you are jealous of him, Thal?  Is it because of me?  I just don't understand why you think you have to follow him.  Why can't someone else do it?  The gnolls are so dangerous!"

  "I know that Lyri.  More than any other wood elf, I know what they are capable of.  Which is why I have to go alone.  I can't ask anyone else to risk their lives and go with me.  And believe me, I don't want to get caught ... by him or the gnolls.  Which is why it is so important that I go alone.  I know how to go through the forest unseen and unheard."

  She reached into a pocket to pull out a handful of glass blue seeds she had spent the morning unstringing from vines and held them out to him.

  "Then carry these with you and drop them along the way so that you will be able to find your way back to me."

  "What are they?"

  "Morning Glory flowers.  I asked the fairies to bewitch them to grow quickly and be as large as a baby elephant so that you could see them."

  Thal pulled her close in a hug.  Poor Lyri.  How was he going to make her understand?

  "I know you mean well, Lyri, but they would also lead the gnolls to you, and I can't do that.   I promise I will be careful, and I will do everything I can to come back to you as quickly as possible.  I have to be sure that Kael is doing what El said because if it is true, then we all are in danger and we have to prepare.  I've spoken to the Elders, and they agree.  We must be certain of Kael's alliance with the gnolls because if it is true, then the decision they will be forced to make will be harsh and final.  They won't make that kind of a judgment on just El's suspicions."


Words for Wednesday continues this month at Postcards From the Bookstore ...

Sunday, February 2, 2025

on this day in ...

Lucy sleeping on top of 
her mama, Gracie, in 2017.
She was 1 year 4 months old.
Gracie was approximately 5 years old.
Ashland, WI

Charlie in 2023.
Approximately 10 years old.
White Sulphur Springs, WV

Friday, January 31, 2025

a wet friday morning...

  I finally got my car moved out of the snow!  The rain overnight and for most of the day has helped considerably to melt some of the ice and snow.

  My quince bush has tiny buds on it, so I'm hopeful that the below freezing temperatures we've had for most of the month has not damaged the bush.

  The blossoms look like they will be beautiful (according to Bing anyway).   

  There was some fruit on it last fall that I did not have the courage to try.  Probably a good thing because Bing also said that it was hard and sour, but it became sweet and fragrant when cooked.  I had some Bonne Mamam jelly from an Advent calendar that had quince in it, and it was very good.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

thoughts on a thursday ...

This is an example of
why I look within the trees
  This view from my office window right now reminds me so much of the loved art of Bev Doolittle [<link] that I sometimes catch myself looking for hidden faces and animals in the snow.  

  Looking out the window now, I look for birds bringing signs of spring.  A small flock of gold finches arrived a few days ago.  Dark-eyed juncos with their black and white formal attire have been here all winter.  Bright red cardinals flash on the branches.  Squirrels jump and run.  

  I haven't seen any of the larger wildlife since the snow fell, so hope that they are holed up and warm.

  I'm trying to stay away from the news, but at times it is thrust in my face.  Speaking of faces ... the story that Oompa Loompa's face could be added to Mount Rushmore ... 😶.  It is going to be an interesting four years to say the least.  I'm back to practicing my German and making new short- and long-term goals.

  Wishing you an early spring (or fall, depending on where you are) and the return of brighter days ... Ci💚

  I'm popping back in after originally posting this earlier today because I just saw that the Oompa Loompa is blaming "diversity" for the death of 67 people in a mid-air accident between a plane and a Blackhawk helicopter.  I have no words, only heartbreak and the dread that we will face another Civil War in this country before his fascist reign comes to an end.  I am sad beyond words, and I hope that other countries take heed that some lessons of the past should not be erased from history as leaders are wont to do.  I'm all for repeating fashion history and wearing hip-hugger bell bottoms with platform shoes and tube tops (trust me, only at Halloween in the privacy of my own closet).  But the history that is about to repeat itself will do more than just cause anyone seeing me to go blind.  

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

life is too short to drink bad wine ...

   Kael listened closely to everything his watchers were telling him, his face ripening to the color of a bright red tomato.  His stomach was in turmoil as he paced back and forth in his room.   He needed to figure out what to do about this situation that had quickly gotten out of hand.

  The fact that Thal had been Lyri's first kiss was almost more than he could stand.  He should have forced himself on her sooner, but he needed more time for his creation to take form.  Now, he felt forced to speed things up and stop pretending to be Mr. Nice Elf.


  Thal kept his hand over Lyri's eyes as he guided her through the Black Corinth vineyard that the elves managed.

  "Where are you taking me, Thal?"

  "Just one more minute.  I promise you will like it."

  Finally, they stopped, and he took his hand off her eyes.  She blinked a few times, then gasped at what she saw.  There in front of her was a small picnic lunch that he had prepared for her, complete with candles.

  "What is this?  Where are we?"

  "You didn't know that the elves had a small vineyard near the edge of the forest?"

  "Well, no.  I've never been out this far."

  "It's really not that far, you just have to know where to look.  In fact, if your father were to practice his golf shots, this would be within striking distance of his worst swing."  They both laughed at that, knowing that her father talked big off the course and on, but had a 54 handicap.

  Sitting down on the blanket across from each other, Lyri looked thoughtfully at Thal.

  "Tell me something, Thal."

  "Like what?"

  "What do you dream of doing with your life?"

  "Well, you know that."

  "No, I mean really.  What are you passionate about?  If you could do anything at all, what would it be?  Would you leave the forest?  I know that you've explored more of the forest than I have."

  "I thought I knew the answer to that once, but now I'm not so sure.  Things have changed... lately."

  "Because of me?"

  "Yes and no.  I never thought that you might feel the same way about me that I do for you, so I never expected to have to take anyone else into consideration when I was making plans for the future.  Now, there is a little more thought required before taking action.  I can't think about just myself and the forest.  I have to think about you and the forest."

  "Is that a bad thing?"

  "No.  But it gives a certain someone debilitating leverage over me."

  "You mean Kael."

  "Yes.  Eldrin has mentioned that he thinks Kael has been secretly meeting with gnolls outside of the forest."

  "What?!?!?  Why would he do that?  It's so dangerous!  You have to tell the Elders!"

  "Right now, I don't have any proof.  El means well, but he gets carried away sometimes by his own adventures outside the forest.  To accuse Kael of putting all of us, and the forest at risk, I need to have more than just El's suspicions.  I'm going to have to follow him myself."


The fun this week at Words for Wednesday really stretched my brain!

Monday, January 27, 2025

monday ...

 It was cold this weekend, so I made some homemade tomato soup ...
... and just now remembered that I bought croutons to eat with it.

Good thing I have leftovers.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

five days in...

Seacrest Wolf Preserve
   The memory of this wolf nibbling on my shoulder in 2013 has a slightly different analogy to the wolf at our door this week.  I laughed then, but there is no laughing now.

  I confess to feeling "withdrawals" from not having Instagram this week.  Not so much scrolling through the mindless reels, but for the humorous interactions between my cousin, Sharon, and I.  We share the same warped sense of humor, and interest in things creative and earthy.

  I'm a few months older than her, and our relationship is more like sisters since we share the same bloodlines.  Sisters (our mothers) that married twin brothers, if I ever needed a chunk of liver, I'd know who to call.

  My car is still ice-bound in the snow where it has been since the 6th of this month.  I did go to Walmart a week ago today with a neighbor, before I enacted my self-imposed protest against big box corporations and conglomerates.

  As I read news of the executive orders hastily signed on Monday, I shook my head in disappointment and disbelief.  We seem to be going backwards as a country, and I read this morning comments and comparisons from those who were or are "ex-pats" in other countries about how "freedoms" in this country are a scam, I had to agree.

  My goal for "retirement" was once to find a small house in Rüdesheim am Rhein where I could spend my days sipping beer and watching boats pass by.  Then I bought a home and thought that it was no longer a possibility.  But today, I wonder if it could still be done.  Homes can be sold ...

  Wishing you a weekend of wonder ... Hugs, Ci💚

Friday, January 24, 2025


 dipping into the archives for these oldies

Friday, June 21st, 2002 

I was volunteering at a local zoo in Panama City Beach, FL
taking animals to some of the beach hotels to entice the tourists to visit.

Sugar glider

Fennec fox 

Indri Lemur

Boa, not of the feather kind

Gosh I miss my hair, LOL.  💚

Thursday, January 23, 2025

thoughts on a thursday ...

 I saw this on Instagram

in December

and can't seem to get it out of my mind.

It's just so deep.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Fiends in High Places ...

Gustav Klimt ~ The Kiss
  "It's getting late.  I should probably get you home before your parents worry about you, Lyri."

  "Yes, I suppose.  I'm sure by now Kael has gone to my father and told him some horrid lies to make himself seem like the victim."

  The two of them walked along the path in silence, their way lit by fireflies that flashed on and off as their steps disturbed them.  Both of them lost in their own thoughts as they walked.

  Lyri was wondering if Thal would try to kiss her and secretly hoping that he would.  Thal on the other hand, grinned in the dark, knowing that it would be the perfect time to kiss her just around the next bend in the path.  There, they would be halfway to her house and out of sight of anyone following behind them. Kael was much too clumsy in the woods for them not to have heard him by now, but just in case it wouldn't hurt to have more privacy.

  If he had paused to look up at the stars while they were walking, however, Thal would have been shocked to see how many pairs of eyes were actually following them. 

  High up in the trees, flying silently from branch to branch, one of the watchers was a tiny Northern Saw-whet Owl [<link].

  Kael may not have had the wherewithal and skills to be as quiet and stealthy in the woods as Thal was, but if there was one skill he had that would take him places, it was his ability to bribe, blackmail, and beat his competition into the ground.  Along the way, he'd managed to pick up quite a few "fiends" for friends who were more than happy to drop everything on a Friday night to help him without ever asking "Why?"


Sunday, January 19, 2025

100 days ...

    ... of raising my voice.

     A year ago, on 18 February, I began my 100 Days of Wonder small watercolor project.  This year, beginning tomorrow, I will start on a completely different 100 days.  This time to make my voice heard in a way that will have an impact on the powers that be.  I will be one of many "speaking" out in a way that they understand.  A way that will hit them where it hurts... in their bottom-line wallets.

    I've deactivated my Facebook and Instagram accounts, probably for the next four years, but at least for the next 100 days.  I haven't had a Twitter/X account since the inflated Oompa Loompa's first run for office in 2015, and likely won't ever have another one.

    I have cancelled my Amazon Prime account, and my current streaming subscription to Netflix.  If I have a need to sit in front of the "idiot box" as my dad once called it, it will be to watch something that is 100% free to me.

    I will not be shopping online, or "big box" stores like Walmart, unless there is absolutely no small/local business owner option for what I need.  And what I "need" will be strictly defined.  There is a small grocery store here in town that I'm about to become very friendly with.

    Unpacking, purging and organizing will be completed.  Current art/craft projects will be finished.  Books, of the paper pages sort, will get read.  Blog posts written.  Old-fashioned letters and cards sent.  A new novel, Winter Bear, will begin to take form in reality and not just in the back of my mind.

    Anticipated knee surgeries will be scheduled and done; exercising will be a priority for recovery, so walking and line dancing will be more than just a make-believe resolution for the New Year.

    I am making a decision to remove myself from the chaos of negativity, anger, hatred, bigotry, racism, and "Karen" trolls not nearly as funny as the one in Harry Potter.  I am making a choice to spend the next 100 days, and quite possibly four years, in the peaceful serenity of my own making.

    What will you be doing for the next 100 days?

                    Wishing you serenity ... Hugs, Ci 💚

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

liar liar pants on fire

Image Source:  Bing.com

   As Thal and Lyri disappeared into the crowds, Kael was left fuming in the background.  He hadn't expected Thal to be bold enough to stand up to him, or Lyri to go along with him.  This was really going to create a problem with his plan to marry Lyri and assume control of the forest. 

  Lyri was breathless from laughter by the time Thal finally stopped pulling her through the crowd to a quiet corner just inside the entrance to the ballroom.

  "Did.  You.  See. His. Face, Thal?"

  "No, but I can imagine he wasn't very thrilled that you came along willingly.  Why did you?"

  Lyri looked at him closely.  "Elder Elowen."

  "What?  I don't understand."

  "She came to see me several weeks ago, shortly after Kael began courting me with my parents' blessings.  She said that there was an ancient prophecy about the forest, and she needed me to understand what was at stake if I married him as he intended.  Elder Elowen said that our union would end all wood elf life, and I needed to be careful that I saw him for who he truly was."

  "Which is?"

  "I'm not sure.  She said that I just needed to trust my heart, and there would come a time when I would be faced with a choice.  When you said that Kael needed to take dance lessons from her, I thought that she had also said something to you.  That you were the choice I needed to make.  Between him and you."

  Thal shook his head.  "No.  In fact, I don't think I've ever spoken directly to her in my life.  I don't even know why I said her name to him.  It just sprung into my head at that moment."


  "Oh?  You seem disappointed."

  "Well, I just thought.... I thought.... I think I need some water.  Can we get some water then go outside to talk?  The melody that they are playing is giving me a headache."

  Thal, still holding Lyri's hand, went with her to the refreshment table and got them both mugs of spring water.  They walked into the forest together, out of earshot of the music and other elves' eavesdropping on their conversation.

  "Lyri, I don't know what Kael told your parents to get their blessing, but I know he lied to them.  He may have promised to always take care of you, and of them, but the only elf Kael is interested in caring for is himself.  Whatever his plans are, he would have hurt you.  I just couldn't stand back and watch him do that to you."


  "Oh again?"

  Lyri turned away from Thal.  Her mind was racing with so many thoughts.  She had watched Thal from afar, secretly admiring his independence, strength and commitment to the forest.  Kael, on the other hand, always seemed to know what to say to get what he wanted from others, including her parents.  He had never seemed interested in giving back to the forest, only taking from it.  He made it seem as if their life together would be filled with riches, she'd only dreamed of having.  A life with him would be easy, and a life with Thal could be difficult as he didn't have as much to offer in material things as Kael did.  Was this the choice Elder Elowen had told her of?

  With tears in her eyes, Lyrielle turned back to face Thal and whispered fiercely, "Kael deserves a medal for being such a smooth speaker that he could deceive so many people with his words, but right now I really wish I could cut his vocal cords so that he could never hurt anyone with his words again."

  Thalion was stunned by the anger on her face and wondered what Kaelthas had said to her to cause her to be so uncharacteristically violent in her words.

  She continued, looking down at her feet now, ashamed to realize how much he had tricked her into believing that the paper he had written his false love on meant something.  The letters he had given to her, professing his love, promising her things he could never give to her without taking them from someone else ... letters she had wrapped in yellow silk and read over and over again ... were just lies to hurt her and everyone else in the forest.


Participating again this week in Words for Wednesday, found here.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

sunday's selections ...

 a selection of random photos from the start of this year...

the view from my desk this morning and "my" mountain.
Winter Storm Cora dropped another 3ish inches on top of the 5 we got from Winter Storm Blair.
a lampshade project in progress I'm calling "full of surprises"
it was going to be just glass beads at first, but then I realized I may not have enough to complete it.
so, I decided rather than ordering more, I would use the "leftovers" from other projects.
one of my goals this year is to stop hoarding craft supplies.
this will be a collection of glass, crystal and stone beads, with some of my accumulated buttons.

I finally got my New Year tree up, but it feels a bit bare.
I'm trying to decide if I should get more ornaments or just be satisfied with what is there.

Charlie after Winter Storm Blair.
He feels somewhat "holy" now since he can technically walk on water.

a sparrow with partial leucism (piebald) visited the seed I put out for the birds

Adding to the list of wildlife that frequents my yard

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

So you say...

  "So, Thal, when are we going to talk about the elephant in the room?"

  Thalion spun quickly around to face his best friend, Eldrin Sylvaris, easily identified in spite of his mask by his deep green eyes.

  "What are you talking about, El?"

  "You know. Lyrielle.  Over there, busy as a bee dancing with Kaelthas, who looks as happy as a dog with two tails about it.  Don't tell me you hadn't noticed them.  You haven't taken your eyes off her since you came in."

  "Where do you come up with these weird phrases?"

  "Oh, um, well, you know.  That book I found.  Beyond the forest's edge.  Near the humans."

  "What?!  Are you crazy, El?  You know we are forbidden to go beyond the trees!  What if the Elders caught you?"

  "Suddenly you are chicken hearted, now?  Mr. Brave as a lion for Lyri, but secretly terrified to have a real adventure?"

  "That's not the same thing.  You know that if one of us was caught by a human, it could mean the end of all of us.  Lyri does need someone who will protect her from Kael.  He's a wolf in sheep's clothing, and a dangerous!"

  "Ha! Guess I'm rubbing off on you now, Thal!"

  "I'm serious, El.  It's too dangerous for you to venture out that far."

  Eldrin glanced over Thalion's shoulder and whispered loudly before disappearing into the crowd behind him.


For all your Midsummer's ball gowns,
visit Cinderella's Formals
on the corner of Oak and Pine!
  Thal turned to see Kael and Lyri approaching him, but it was too late for him to disappear.  Lyri's eyes were smiling at him even though he couldn't see the smile on her face, and he knew if he left now he'd have to answer to her later about why.

  "Well, well, well.  If it isn't my old pal Thal."  Kael threw an arm around Thal's shoulders in more of a bear hug than a friend hug, and Thal knew that it wasn't meant as a friendly greeting.

  "Hello, Kael.  Lyri."

  "My best girl, Lyri, here was just telling me I should hang out with you more often, Thal.  Seems you might have some character traits she wants to rub off on me.  What do you say to that, buddy?"

  Thalion stood quietly, unsure of how to respond.  If he said what he really wanted to say, he'd likely get punched in the face if not immediately then the next time Kael found him alone in the forest.  But if he said nothing, then he had a feeling that Lyri would be disappointed in him.

  "Cat got your tongue, Thal?"

  Thal slowly turned his head to meet Kael's stare.  So, there it was.  Kael's threat.  He knew El had been leaving the forest, and was threatening to turn him in to the Elders if Thal didn't play along with whatever game this was.

  "Not at all, Kael.  I've just been watching the two of you having a whale of a time out there on the dance floor.  But I don't usually give dance lessons to guys, especially someone as in need of them like yourself.  It's a good thing my mask covered my tears because I was laughing so hard watching you move like you had ants in your pants.  I tell you what I will do, tho.  I see Elder Elowen Sableleaf over there in the corner waiting for someone to ask her to dance.  Why don't I escort Lyri to get some punch, and you can ask Miss Elowen to dance so she can show you how it should be done?"

  With that he quickly grabbed Lyri's hand and pulled her into the crowd by the refreshment tables, leaving Kael standing flabbergasted on the edge of the dancefloor.  He knew he'd have to be extra careful now to avoid Kael in the near, and far, future because he had just guaranteed himself a punch in the face.  But it was so worth it to see the shock in Kael's eyes.


Joining again this week for the fun of Words for Wednesday, found this month on Elephant's Child's blog.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

new starts ...

New Start Yellow Lift Flyers
at your service in the new year.
Give them a fly tonight!
  The evening was beginning to look like it was not going to go as planned.  

  First, the Lift flyer dropped him off nearly four trees away from the masquerade ball, and he was forced to run the rest of the way in order to get there at a semi-respectable arrival time without appearing to be one of those wood elves who always arrived "fashionably" late to get attention.  He had never been an elf who wanted attention.

  Then, he was so hot after running, he had to ask the hostess if he might borrow a towel to wipe some of the sweat from beneath his costume collar, which was the most embarrassing thing he had done all year.  Thinking of the look on her face when he asked, and her raised eyebrows, made him grateful that his costume kept her from recognizing his face.  Hopefully, he would not be forced to reveal his identity at the end of the evening and further humiliate himself.

  His entire life had been spent living in the shadow of others, and Thalion Thorne was not about to change that before he was ready to step into the sun's spotlight.

  The ending of the ball and the old year couldn't come soon enough.  He'd made plans for the new year after learning that Lyrielle Windshadow was being courted by Kaelthas Shadowspring.

  Thalion had been in love with Lyrielle since the moment he had seen her at the first Spring Equinox Ball when he was just a mere child.  Tho they were the same age and lived in the same forest, their lives had taken very different paths.

  He had spent an adventurous childhood, learning from the elders and all other living things in the forest everything he could about the forest.  As soon as he had been able to walk and run, his parents let him roam freely.

  Lyrielle on the other hand, had spent her childhood surrounded by the same group of elf girlfriends, daughters of the elders, with no adventures to speak of.  She only foraged beneath the same group of trees that she had known her whole life, never journeying beyond the reach of her father's voice.  Her life seemed almost whimsical compared to his, yet her laughter had sounded like a magical bird song, and it often floated between the trees to find him when he least expected it.

  Her parents had encouraged Kaelthas to court her because they didn't know him as Thalion knew him.  They only saw him as a wood elf who was intelligent, handsome, and charming with aspirations of rising high in the ranks of forest politics.  They wanted the best for their only child and having her marry an elf with so much potential would not only be good for her, but good for them.

  Thalion would have to step out of the shadows and make a name for himself if he was going to stop Kaelthas from ruthlessly manipulating her and her parents for his personal gain.  Kaelthas didn't have the best intentions for the elves or the forest.  He only cared for himself.


  Stretching my creativity this afternoon by joining in with Words for Wednesday, and the start of a story that I hope to continue throughout the year wherever the words and colors lead me.