There have been several "calls-to-action" on Instagram this past week. One of them involves not just calling our "elected" state officials but sending letters to them. Letters have to be kept, documented, cataloged. So, in preparation for doing that, I've ordered stamps that will also let my voice be heard.
Not just these, but The Underground Railroad, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Freedom US Flag, and John Lewis (a civil rights activist from the 60s) stamps.
I'm being "mindful" of who sees my letters as they pass through the system. Not just letters to my state officials, but cards and letters to friends and family.
And as a 2x former government employee, I'm also considering participating in this request to show my support.
In fact, anyone who pays taxes could be considered a government employer, because it is our taxes that pay the salaries of our elected government officials. So, don't feel left out. Send an email. Tell them what you did last week. In detail.
Inquiring minds want to know.
I am still standing firm on my economic boycotts. Some of which have been, and will be, fairly easy to accomplish.
I've never been a fan of McDs anyway. No Targets near me. Nestle and General Mills will require me to pay a little more attention when I shop, but that's okay. I've started paying more attention to the sugar/carb/protein contents of what I buy.
Walmart may be tough at times because it is the only large box store near me, so I'm being mindful of what I really need to spend my money on, and if there are other sources. Same for Amazon, although that has been much easier. What I find funny is that since canceling my Prime membership with them, I see a lot more commercials for Amazon Prime shows, movies, and membership.
Saturday, I should've worn shades; the sun was so bright I cut off part of Charlie's face trying to take a picture of the manscaping he had done that day. It certainly felt warmer than the 42°F that was the reported high for the day.
We were over at his besties house, and as always, it was so wonderful to see them. He'll stay with them until the 4th.
People laugh when I say that my previous neighbors have visitation rights to my dog, but it is a win-win for Charlie. He adores them.
This morning my exercise routine included several laps around the house looking for my coffee cup.
At least 20 stair reps while I hung a gallery wall over my desk because I could not carry the hammer or measuring tape in my mouth while also balancing precariously with one leg on the step ladder, one leg on the desk, and also holding the picture frame and a pencil.
At least 50 overhead arm stretches to measure (twice), hammer nails, and attempt to hang the frames multiple times because I kept flattening the loop on the back of the frame.
I can already feel the burn in my upper back, and will probably sleep well tonight (with a little muscle relaxer).
On other fronts, I've been considering several what next options that are both long- and short-term career changes. It would be nice to work at something that brings me joy, makes me happy, so I'm defining what that might look like.
Baby otter cuddler, and puppy wrangler are two options I'm considering... stay mindful this week. Hugs, Ci💚