Tuesday, October 1, 2024

sunday ...

 ... was a no sun day.  Storm Helene is bouncing back again with rain over the next several days.  She added a leak in my roof that has caused two leaks/holes in my living room ceiling.  Oh, the joys of home ownership!

  Saturday morning, I took a new class here locally at the [link>] Alleghany Highlands Arts and Crafts Center. Painting on feathers taught by [link>] Ron Navroski.

  The snowy owl is on a turkey feather, and the palm tree (our practice one) is on a cockatoo feather.

  He also taught a later class, painting the snowy owl on a piece of slate, that I did not attend.

  One of the things that attracted me to move here is the art community.  There is also the [link>] Clifton Forge School of the Arts.

  Friday after work, I finished this project.  I saw something similar but was not able to master the technique so I kinda sorta cheated with a stencil.

  Then I finished this project Saturday night (insomnia again).  It was something I've been wanting to do for a while, but writing on birch bark is easier said than done.

  I finally gave up and just printed the poem on paper.  It's one of my new favorites.

  Wishing you sunny days ... Hugs, Ci 💚

1 comment:

  1. I love your snowy owl and the moon and the elegant tree branches in particular. Sigh on the on going expense of home ownership.


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