Wednesday, August 23, 2023

WfW ~ friend or foe?

I am writing with Words for Wednesday, the words for which can be found [link>] on Messy Mimi's Meanderings blog for the month of August.
The goal of WfW is to take given prompts, words, phrases, photos, colors, or music and create a story from them. This week's words and color of the month are in bold italics.
If you visit her blog you can also read and cheer on the other writers participating in this weekly fun.

  Looking at my calendar, it is hard to believe that the month still has just over a week left to it.  As busy as I've been, as tired and sore as I've felt, I could have sworn it was the end of September already.  Which would actually be nice if it was.  The mornings have been foggy, and if the sayings are true, we will be in for a snowy January.

  A fellow employee has been on leave the first few days this week, and thankfully, there has not been the normal chaos.  Although, I have probably jinxed myself now for at least the rest of this day.  She will be back tomorrow.

  I spotted a paw print inside one of our trash cans yesterday, but couldn't decide if it was friend or foe.  Friend being possum.  Maybe even raccoon.  Foe being a skunk.  Thankfully a quick internet search determined it was a possum, but Charlie was still reminded that if he gets "skunked" again (for the third time since I've had him) he may be sleeping outside for a while.

  Regular dog shampoo and water won't get that stink off him, just a crazy concoction of Dawn dish soap, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide.  And since there is no outside water faucet here, it would be a stink that would fill the house for a while, tho he would go straight into the downstairs bathroom and no further until he was cleaned.  Which would then leave me to get it off me and my clothes.  We would be smelling it for weeks, and it isn't a smell that one easily becomes immune to.

  Christian did see the possum last night, which was a good thing.  Having one in the yard is a plus for all of us, especially Charlie because they love a nightly buffet of ticks, snails, slugs, and other insects that would normally enjoy munching on the plants in the garden.  So they are like having a gardener on duty after hours.  I really hate slugs.

  I am looking forward to September's words with malice prepence, although I know there is yet another week of words for August.  I have a person in mind for the antagonist, someone who uses bullying to gain pelf often with no regard for who is stepped on in the process.  A coxcomb of a misogynist.


  1. I'm glad you have a possum helping get rid of the nasties from the garden. We have to be careful of them, though, they can be mean.

    I like skunks, but not when they spray. Just when they are at a distance.

    Having a story in mind to tell is a fun thing, i hope the prompts work well for it next month.

  2. We have no skunks here, though I believe that the smell is awful. Hopefully Charlie stays clear.
    Perhaps messymimi's words next week will start your planned story going, and you can continue it in the months to come.


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