Friday, May 12, 2023

12 May

I'm writing as part of my commitment to the American Cancer Society to write for 30 minutes a day in May.

 Second stop with the sisters on Sunday ... well, after lunch at a place called Oak & Apple BBQ [<link there] ~ which was delicious! ~ was the Edgar Allan Poe Museum [<link to click].

And what would a visit to a Poe museum be without me acting the fool?

This is a gorgeous piece of art done by Chris King.  I wish I could get a postcard of it!

 The museum was around a small courtyard in Richmond, VA, and in the rear of it, behind the fountain, is an altar to Poe where people leave gifts and notes to him.
Kinda creepy.

The houses that made up the museums weren't really where Poe lived for any length of time.  The rooms were extremely small, and the lighting was not conducive to getting good pictures of anything.  But it was interesting to read about his childhood and the life that he had.  I'm sure that a lot of it came through in his stories.

But of course, the whole reason we went was because they had two black cats on the property that we just had to stop and see!

Just before Heather had her eyes clawed out...
just kidding!


  1. I have a HUGE weakness for black moggies...

    1. Me too!!! and I met another one at my nephew's!!

  2. Poe was a most fascinating man. We love black cats and miss Bandlands Blackie, what a darling.


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