Friday, January 6, 2023

Words on Wednesday ... on Friday

"Hope springs eternal ...." wrote Alexander Pope, and it is true within my heart.  While the temperature drops again today to freezing lows for the next week, the promise of the coming Spring fills me with a joie de vivre

A new devotion to gardening arises in me.  Trees, shrubs, and flowers have been ordered.  Graph paper plots out dreams and ideas.

It occurs to me that Spring is Winter's way of asking for forgiveness for the cold days.  To rescue our minds from what can be the overwhelming darkness of days.  Hope springs eternal for Spring ...

... and a homemade brioche that fills the house with the smell of warmth, if it had a scent that is.  Hygge.  Comfort.  Home.

The scent of bread brings back a memory of a three-berry pie first enjoyed at a small restaurant in Three Rivers, California on a long-ago trip to the Sequoia National Park with its ages tall green pines.  I search for a recipe and make a note in my planner to make one for Pi day in March.  More warmth, comfort, and the scent of home in the last few days of Winter this year.

Scents can evoke so many memories and emotions.  It is why realtors often feel it is their duty to encourage sellers to bake fresh cookies before a house showing.  A scent of comfort, warmth, and home. 

"Home should be a haven of love. Honor, courtesy, and respect symbolize love .... " ~ Thomas S. Monson

Home.  Our safe places.  Our comfort when hope springs eternal ...

Participating this week after a too-long absence in Words for Wednesday found here.


  1. This is a truly lovely use of Sandi's prompts. Thank you - you have been missed from this meme.

    1. Thank you. I've missed the community ... and the writing.

  2. You evoke all the scents here so good, that I smell the brioche, the pine trees and the newly scrubbed house. I also hear the pen drawing up garden plans and the dripping from the smeltng ice and snow outside and the knistering from the fire inside. It is a peaceful well written scene, and I thank you for having incorporated my Colour of the Month.

    1. Thank you so much! Another 10 flowering trees coming eventually, so my garden grows...

  3. Thank you for participating, it's always a joy to read where the words take you.


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